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Year 2 Cross Country Competition

A lovely afternoon of Cross Country for Year 2 as they competed against Camelsdale School. Lots of fun and a great introduction to the camaraderie, competition and team spirit, which they'll use in abundance once they reach Year 3 and compete against other schools on a weekly basis. Well done Year 2 and thank you so much Camelsdale School for joining us.

Year 2 Cross Country Competition


Year 3 Art

In Art this week, Year 3 pupils took inspiration from Piet Mondrian and painted hearts using clean Primary colours and rectangular planes. Black horizontal and vertical lines were collaged onto their hearts and their design was turned into a card to give to someone close to them. A wonderful way to tie up art with Children's Mental Health Week's theme of 'Let's Connect'.

Year 3 Art


Charity Run

The theme of this year's Children's Mental Health Week is "Let's Connect". A group of our Year 6 pupils realised that one of the best ways to feel connected to our community would be through working together to help others, so organised a sponsored run to raise funds for Shooting Star Children's Hospices. With an afternoon of glorious sunshine, the children ran around the school grounds to raise funds for this wonderful, local charity. Sarah May, from Shooting Star Children's Hospices, came to St Ives to watch the running and presented the children with a sticker and bookmark on completion of the run. The children were thrilled to hear they raised nearly £450 and to learn how the money would be spent. Thank you Shooting Star for inspiring us & for all your work.

Charity Run


Children's Mental Health Week

Yesterday we kicked off Children's Mental Health Week with a day of activities around this year's theme "Let's Connect". Our Wellbeing Champion, Mrs Cooper, led the morning's assembly and encouraged the children to think about how we connect with the people & communities around us. The children also listened to Matt Goodfellow reading his poem 'Together'. Pupils were told to "Dress to Express" and we loved seeing the different ways we dressed to show our individuality and our uniqueness!

Children's Mental Health Week


Year 6 Trip

On Wednesday, Year 6 went on a trip to Milestones Museum, an indoor recreation of a Victorian town. We looked at old cars, fire trucks and even horse boxes! Horses were very important to the Victorians because they were the main source of transportation. There were many old Victorian shops and a few houses inside the museum and we loved going to the sweet sweet shop with our ration booklet that the lady stamped after we bought 2oz of sweets! We had a brilliant day!

Year 6 Trip


Time to Talk Day

Today is Time to Talk Day. At St Ives we teach the children how important it is to be able to talk about our feelings and the importance of actively listening and respecting how others feel. We know that we can talk to our teachers & friends if we’re worried about anything. We know that we also have a wonderful Wellbeing Champion in Mrs Cooper, weekly wellbeing sessions we can attend, a worry box, a friendship bench and endless support so we don’t bottle things up! We are also looking forward to Monday when we’re going to Dress to Express for Children’s Mental Health Week. We can’t wait to show off our individuality and appreciate that we’re all different and unique!

Time to Talk Day


Year 2 Topic

Year 2 have been learning about the plague and how the Stuarts believed that inhaling nice smells could protect them. The children enjoyed making a Pomander with oranges and cloves. Well done Year 2!

Year 2 Topic


Computing Lesson for Reception

Today in Computing, Reception went outside to practise following & giving instructions. The children started by practising following instructions to move around their outdoor classroom. Then they worked together to set up a small obstacle course. They then worked in pairs & gave their partner instructions on how to get across the course, whilst blindfolded. The children realised that it was hard & sometimes scary but soon learnt to listen & trust their friend.

Computing Lesson for Reception


Hockey Tournament

A fantastic afternoon of Hockey for our U10s yesterday as they played in a tournament at Highfield School against 5 other schools. Some very competitive matches against some excellent teams and the team should be so proud of their performance. 

Hockey Tournament


Chinese New Year

This afternoon Reception learnt about the story of the animals in Chinese New Year. We talked about what animal year we were born in, we made paper rabbits, then we went outside & coloured rabbits in small teams using chalk! We were all very proud of our rainbow rabbits & couldn't wait for our parents to come to collect us so that they could see our work!

Chinese New Year



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