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Reception are Raring to Go!

Reception children have thrown themselves into the second half of term with gusto! They've continued their work on triangles and circles in Maths and loved it when Miss Tapp brought out her magical shape bag and they had to close their eyes, feel for a shape inside the bag, describe it and then tell the rest of the class what shape it was. They then continued their work on circles and triangles in Art by looking at Kandinsky's work. In Music, they've been learning the song 'The Animal Train'. They familiarised themselves with the animals in the song - frog, mouse, snake and duck - and then used instruments to replicate the sounds the animals make. Well done Reception. It's so lovely to see you raring to go after half term!

Reception are Raring to Go!


Pumpkin Carving Competition

An incredible standard in this year's Pumpkin Carving Competition.  Thank you to everyone who painted, carved, designed and even grew pumpkins.  The judges had a very tough decision choosing the winners.  This wraps up a very busy first half of term. Wishing all you a restful half term and we look forward to seeing you all on 6th November.

Pumpkin Carving Competition


Year 1 Trip to Arundel Castle

Year 1 finished off this half of term with a trip to Arundel Castle, which they loved exploring.  They also loved learning all the new castle vocabulary they picked up throughout the day!

Year 1 Trip to Arundel Castle


Halloween Party

A wonderful afternoon of Halloween fun and chaos at our Prep & Pre-Prep Halloween parties.  Lots of brilliant games, fabulous costumes, delicious party food and the children's very favourite inter-year contest of 'turn your teacher into a Mummy' competition!  Thank you to our amazing parent body (FOSI) for organising.

Halloween Party


Nursery Sport

This morning our Ducks in Nursery enjoyed learning loads of new skills in their PE lesson.  Mrs Woodward introduced them to a series of circuits which consisted of bunny hops, shooting balls, fast feet, step ups, shuttle runs and star jumps.  The children rose to the challenges brilliantly and worked so hard to remember what they were doing at each circuit.  Well done Ducks!

Nursery Sport


Nerys Pearce Visits St Ives

A huge thank you to Nerys Pearce from Sports for Schools for inspiring us so much this afternoon.  Nerys put everyone through their paces during several exercise drills and explained how sport has been so important to her all her life.  Becoming paralysed, after a road traffic accident in her 20s, has driven her to 'push forward' even more.  Since her accident, she has competed in powerlifting, swimming, athletics, rowing and wheelchair basketball at the Invictus Games, winning 10 medals!  Nerys explained that on good days and bad, we need to challenge ourselves to be the best version of ourselves.  We've been left completely in awe of her positivity and her overwhelming message to 'push forward'.

Nerys Pearce Visits St Ives


Harvest Festival

Yesterday St Bartholomew’s church in Haslemere was full of joy as children from Reception to year 6 took part in our Harvest Festival.

The orchestra opened the service with Morning Has Broken and each year group from years 3 to 6 spoke confidently.  The children were in fine voice with a varied selection of music including Pre-Prep choir performing The Singing vegetables and Chamber choir doing a lovely arrangement of All Things Bright and Beautiful.

The morning ended with a whole school song celebrating Harvest with reception on their maracas.

A big thank you to our parents who donated food so generously and to FOSI for displaying it beautifully in the Church.  This has already been donated to Haslemere food bank.

Harvest Festival


Years 4 and 5's trip to see the Welsh Guards at St Catherine's School

This morning Years 4 and 5 were lucky enough to see the Welsh Guards perform at St Catherine’s School.  They were treated to a colourful display of costumes and magnificent marching music with instruments including trombones, trumpets, drums, clarinets and a piccolo.  It concluded with a very familiar arrangement of You’ve got a Friend in Me from Toy Story which the children really enjoyed.  There was the opportunity to ask lots of questions at the end and everyone was very inquisitive about the instruments, how to read music and march at the same time, medals, red tunics and bearskin hats.  Thanks so much to St Catherine's for having us.

Years 4 and 5's trip to see the Welsh Guards at St Catherine's School


Eco Schools Green Flag with Distinction

We're so proud to have received our Eco School Green Flag with Distinction this year.  It proves our continued commitment to environmental learning in all areas of the curriculum.  

This is the highest level of award and is only given to those schools which the Eco-Schools judges believe have gone 'above and beyond' the requirements for a Green Flag.

Eco Schools Green Flag with Distinction


Reception in the Haslemere Herald

What a delight to open The Haslemere Herald this morning and see these happy little faces smiling back at us! Well done Reception Class of 2023.  Miss Tapp and Mrs Hayden are so proud of how quickly and easily you've settled into Big School!

Reception in the Haslemere Herald



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