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Year 1 Art

Year 1 have been looking at tints and tones this week. They began by learning their primary and secondary colours then mixing cool tones to create their winter landscape. They used the grid method to split up their image then added penguin silhouettes to complete their work!

Year 1 Art


School Reindeer Run for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice

Thank you to all the children and staff who particpated in the Reindeer Run at St Ives on the final day of the Autumn term. We were fortunate enough to be graced with a lovely, sunny morning, making the run even more enjoyable. We hold this event every year, as it raises valuable funds for the Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice - a very worthy cause - and it really is a lovely way to end the year!.

School Reindeer Run for Phyllis Tuckwell Hospice


Nursery Nativity

Our Nursery Nativity is one of the highlights of the Year. It's so wonderful to see the children all dressed up, singing and dancing so confidently in front of such of a large audience of parents and grand-parents. We're very proud of you all!

Nursery Nativity


Pre-Prep Nativity

With dancing angels, sassy kings, a shining star as well as the usual Nativity suspects, everyone loved watching the Pre-prep attempt to update the traditional Christmas story. Superb singing, dancing & projection of their lines brought joy & festive cheer to all of us!

Pre-Prep Nativity


Staff vs Year 6 Netball Match

A fantastic afternoon of Netball at the staff v pupils Netball match. It was great fun and the girls played really well, but there was NO way we were going to let them win! Final score 8-2 to staff! Players of the match were Darci and Mrs Viner! Well done everyone.

Staff vs Year 6 Netball Match


U10s Netball Matches Against The Royal School

U10 Netball v The Royal 
Yesterday the U10 A’s played a netball match against The Royal. It was a great match and everyone played well and tried hard but sadly we lost 5-9. Well done to all the team for playing really well and especially Josephine for being player of the match. Thank you to Mrs Woodward for helping us to improve and learn new skills.
Daisy (A Team Captain)

Today we had a match against The Royal.The final score was 3-5 to The Royal - although they won we all had brilliant teams and played amazingly. It was such a close one. I would like to congratulate everyone for playing so well. I was pleased to be nominated as player of the match. Thank you so much to the Royal for coming, we all enjoyed the match.
Cressie (B Team) Captain

U10s Netball Matches Against The Royal School


Year 3 having fun during Forest School

This week during Forest School, Y3 went on a Christmas Scavenger Hunt to search for various Christmassy items, such as something red to remind us of a jolly robin’s breast, fallen pine cones, glossy holly leaves, a tree shaped like Rudolph’s antlers, something soft and fluffy like Santa’s beard, a trailing garland of ivy and so on.  The children brought their findings together to create a Christmas collage.  They also inspected the wildlife shelters they made last week.  All were intact, if a little damp!

Year 3 having fun during Forest School


Speech and Drama Showcase Evening

Congratulations to all the children who took part in the Speech & Drama Showcase Evening last night.  It was really wonderful evening demonstrating the talent of each and every child - they performed brilliantly, with so much confidence and should all be so proud of themselves. We had boys taking part for the first time this year, which was lovely to see, group pieces were acted out by Y2-Y5 classes and our Year 6 girls perfomed monolgues and duologues with incredible poise and confidence. We would like to extend special thanks to Katie Nicholls for her wonderful coaching and for making the lessons so much fun for the children. 

Speech and Drama Showcase Evening


Wear Green and Plant a Tree

This week, we all came to school dressed in green to mark the start of National Tree Week.  National Tree Week is the UK’s largest tree celebration, marking the start of the winter tree planting season.  We all paid £1 to wear our green clothes, with all the money raised going to Just One Tree who will plant a tree for every £1 donated!

Wear Green and Plant a Tree


Year 2 Spread Kindness on World Kindness Day

Year 2 spent time last Friday on World Kindness Day offering treats and help around the school - delicious brownies were made and shared, they read stories to the younger children in the school/nursery, returned lost property items and even emptied the recycling bins - well done and thank you to our very kind Year 2 children!

Year 2 Spread Kindness on World Kindness Day



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