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Nursery Sports Day

Today our Ducks in Nursery had their Sports Day! After weeks of practice, they were raring to go and couldn't wait to show their Mummies and Daddies all their newly acquired skills. Not so long ago, these children were learning to walk and now they are running, hurdling and relay racing. With a few fun events thrown into the mix, such as the bean bag race, wheel-barrow race and bucket and spade race, it proved to be a glorious morning of athletics. Thank you to all of the families who supported on the sidelines and to those who of you brave enough to run in the parents' race!

Nursery Sports Day


FOSI Party

Thanks so much to FOSI (Friends of St Ives) for organising such a fantastic BBQ today. Lots of games and bouncy castles for the children to enjoy, as well as face painting and live music and wonderful to see so many families enjoying themselves. Special thanks to Provenance Butchers for providing the most delicious burgers and sausages!

FOSI Party


years 5 and 6 Trip to London

A few photos from the trip to London for Years 5 and 6. Pupils spent the day visiting Shakespeare’s Globe and the Tate Modern. They enjoyed a tour around the Globe and loved watching the finishing touches being made to the set and watching the actors warm up. They enjoyed lunch in the sunshine and spent the afternoon in the Tate Modern being inspired by all the exhibits.

years 5 and 6 Trip to London


Forest School

In Forest School, Years 1 and 2 found out about the elves, pixies and fairies who visit the St Ives forest in the summer months to enjoy the flowers and the sunshine and need somewhere to stay whilst they are here. The children decided to create wonderful houses and gardens for them. They even made a security system to keep them safe from foxes! Wonderful examples of teamwork and cooperation and the children are eager to add to their enchanted village in the next few weeks!

Forest School


STEAM Festival

What an inspiring start to our 3-day STEAM festival! The dressing up brief was to come as a Scientist or Inventor and we’ve had a huge range of costumes - from Sir Isaac Newton to Brian Cox, to Thomas Edison to Mary Anning. The children look fabulous and are very excited about the next few days.

STEAM Festival


IAPS National Finals

We are busting with pride at this talented bunch of swimmers who have just come 4th in the U11s 8 x 25m relay at the IAPs National Finals held at the London Aquatic Centre. These gutsy girls were only 1.5 seconds off getting the Bronze and, even better than that, they took 16 seconds off their Regional time! As one of our Year 5 swimmers said, “Next year, we’re coming for a medal!”. We bet you will, girls!

IAPS National Finals


The Start of Reception Readiness Sessions

This morning we had our first Reception Readiness session for our Ducks in Nursery and the new children who’ll be joining us in Reception in September. Everyone loved being with Miss Tapp & finding out what life will be like in Reception. They loved exploring the classroom, both inside and out! These sessions will be taking place every Thursday until the end of term to ensure the transition from Nursery to ‘big school’  for all new children goes as smoothly as possible.

The Start of Reception Readiness Sessions


World Environment Day

Well done to Blue House for organising an environmental morning today for World Environment Day. The whole school, from Nursery to Year 6 took part in a litter pick around the school grounds, they then made planters using recycled pots, compost and seeds and finished the morning appreciating nature through Art. Teaching our children about the environment and how to play your part in protecting it is part of our role as a Green Flag School.

World Environment Day


Year 6 Luncheon

Well, that was a huge success! Well done Year 6 for putting together such a fabulous lunch - delicious food, great conversation and beautifully hosted! Thanks so much to all our guests for coming and to Mrs Lipscombe and Mrs Owen for guiding the children.

Year 6 Luncheon


Year 6 Luncheon Preparation

Our Year 6 pupils are very busy today preparing for a luncheon for some very special guests. They’ve planned the guest list and menu, sent out invitations and collated replies, been shopping for the ingredients, have arranged flowers for the tables and are now carefully following their recipes whilst preparing the food. There is a huge buzz in the kitchen and dining room - a mixture of nerves and excitement. They can’t wait to host their guests later - Heads & senior management from their senior schools, our Governors, the Mayor of Haslemere, the Royal Society of St George and our parent body.

Year 6 Luncheon Preparation



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