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Year 5 PSHE

Year 5 enjoyed a virtual call with social psychologist Professor Rhiannon Turner today. Rhiannon was the resident expert on Channel 4’s landmark documentary The School ‘The Tried To End Racism’. She gave a fascinating talk on white privilege & unconscious racial bias & answered the children's questions. This formed a central part of the class' PSHE work on racism. Thank you so much to Rhiannon for furthering our learning on this important topic.

Year 5 PSHE


Pre-Prep Nativity Rehearsal

Today we had a sneak peak of Pre-Prep’s Nativity. No spoilers here, but parents are in for a HUGE treat on Friday!

Pre-Prep Nativity Rehearsal


Christmas Window in Cockerills Shoes on Haslemere High Street

Yesterday we launched our Christmas window in Cockerills Shoes on Haslemere High Street. Every pupil in the school and many of our Nursery children have drawn the stars that make up the Christmas tree and we think it looks fantastic! If you get a chance, please take your children along so they can have a look for their star in the St Ives Christmas tree! Thanks so much to Cockerills Shoes for lending us their window and to the Parish of Haslemere for this lovely, festive idea.

Christmas Window in Cockerills Shoes on Haslemere High Street


St Ives Christmas Window

It’s beginning to feel a lot like …………… The children have been helping decorate our fabulous Christmas window which is going into Cockerill Shoes in Haslemere tomorrow. We can’t wait to see it up there! Do take your children along so they can see their work in the high street. Well done everyone.

St Ives Christmas Window


Year 3 Science

In Science Year 3 had fun demonstrating the parachutes they had made & explaining how air resistance made their toys land more safely. Well done Year 3!

Year 3 Science


Nursery Takes Part in Operation Christmas Child Shoebox

We are extremely proud of our Nursery children this week as they have taken part in the Operation Christmas Child Shoebox Appeal. The children really enjoyed learning how their gifts would be sent to children who may not receive any gifts at Christmas and were so willing to hand their boxes over.  Well done children - your kindness and generosity will make other children very happy this Christmas!  Thank you Samaritans Purse for organising this wonderful initiative.

Nursery Takes Part in Operation Christmas Child Shoebox


Year 5 Geography

Year 5 had great fun in Geography this week as they continued their work on mountain formation. They have been making volcanoes in groups and this week they got the chance to erupt them using vinegar, bicarbonate of soda and food colouring! They really enjoyed watching the 'lava' flow, seeing how volcano cones develop over time and how the settlements around the volcanoes were in danger from eruptions.

Year 5 Geography



This half term children have begun a new Gymnastics programme called Rise Gymnastics (from British Gymnastics), replacing the Proficiency Awards covered last year. This is a much more holistic approach to Gymnastics, involving not just core skills but also apparatus work, pairs and group work too.



Year 5 Children Teach Nursery Children

Wonderful to see some of our Year 5 children teaching our Nursery children how to use the Bee-bots this morning. The Year 5s were so good at explaining how to use them & the Nursery children lapped up their every word, relishing in playing with the big children! It’s moments like these that add to the family feel of St Ives and build relationships throughout the school.

Year 5 Children Teach Nursery Children


Year 6 Art

Excellent artwork by Year 6 pupils, who have loved working on self-portraits inspired by Julian Opie, reducing their heads to essential lines and colour planes.

Year 6 Art



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