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St Ives Pupils Take Part in 3 Day STEAM Festival

Liza Askew / Categories: In the press

St Ives Pupils Take Part in 3 Day STEAM Festival


The first day of the festival was a dressing up day where pupils were asked to dress as either an Inventor or Scientist.  The range of costumes was huge and there were Sir Issac Newtons, Thomas Edisons, Mary Annings and Brian Coxes.  Elon Musk even came to St Ives!

The pupils spent the three days of the festival taking part in different activities to develop their practical learning, They built model cars and had to use balloons to move them along a course, they built parachutes strong enough to hold eggs which they dropped out of the top floor of the building to see if they could keep the egg from cracking.  They built marble runs and competed to see whose was the longest and fastest.  Teachers organised an Escape Room where children had to crack the code to free themselves.   The Happy Puzzle Company visited and ran workshops where the children had to solve puzzles of varying difficulty and the West End in Schools Theatre Company came in to teach the children dances routines over the decades.  One minute they were jiving in the 50s to hip hop in the noughties and everything in between! 

Kay Goldsworthy, Head Teacher of St Ives School, said “The festival has been an amazing experience for the children and has given them all opportunities for practical learning, which helps with discipline, perseverance, teamwork, leadership skills, communication and problem solving, all skills that are so important for world we live in.”

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